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Cleaning wood


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Hi. Not sure if this is the best place for this question. 

I have Glulam beams on display through the first floor and prior to decorating wanted to clean them up as they got a bit dirty over the winter so have some darkish marks on them. Also plaster which I know will wash off. Not sure what wood they are (engineered softwood I think) any suggestions on the best way to get them looking as good as new? I was going to use wire wool and white spirit

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If it's mud/dirt, make sure they're nice and dry and try just scraping it off.

If you go with wire wool, best to use stainless in case any fragments get left behind.

Any actual stains may be treated carefully with oxalic acid, which bleaches out dark spots, but it's a bit of a nuclear option, as of course is sanding.

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