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Connect a drain pipe into my house sewer pipe


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Good morning everyone, I really need your advice. I am going to build a sauna with a toilet and shower block behind my garage. 

I am going to connect a drain pipe into my house's sewer pipe, y using a T section. 

Question is: do I need a permission from inspector or south water, what is the right way to do it without getting a fine? 

I have received an answer from council that application is not required for my building, but what about the waste pipe connection. 

Thank you for your time 

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3 hours ago, Jojo said:

Good morning everyone, I really need your advice. I am going to build a sauna with a toilet and shower block behind my garage. 

I am going to connect a drain pipe into my house's sewer pipe, y using a T section. 

Question is: do I need a permission from inspector or south water, what is the right way to do it without getting a fine? 

I have received an answer from council that application is not required for my building, but what about the waste pipe connection. 

Thank you for your time 

It will need to be designed, approved and inspected.


You will need an inspection chamber as you cannot have a corner or T underground without access. It is all doable though.


Assuming the connection is on your land, personally, if it was me, and I am not proposing you do this this, I am just telling you what I would do, is work it all out (I am in consultant engineering and have access to civil engineers and specifically a water engineer!) get a good design put together and implement it - I'd do it to the highest standards and photograph it all. I would then forget all about it and let it do its job.









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