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Preparation of woodwork ready for Osmo Oil


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A fairly specific query this, that i can't seem to find an easy answer for:


I need to oil my window cills, which have been formed from Oak veneered MDF, with a sold oak facing/apron.    Whilst I can follow application instructions and remove dust etc using a soft brush or vacuum, you can still see plaster dust that has fallen on the cill, in the wood grain.  Do I need to worry about this?  Can I just go ahead and apply the oil, or do I need to wipe down with white spirit first to remove what plaster dust there is in the grain?

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You really want to clean it off if you can. White Spirit might work but you'll probably be better with an acidic cleaner if its cement/mortar.

Start with a VERY mild dilution and DONT get the surface too wet, damp cloth at the most. I'd use 0000 wire wool so you get in the grain.

I might even try simple sugar soap first as the light abrasiveness combined with the wire wool might be all it needs.


Without seeing it its hard to be specific.


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