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Well Done


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15 minutes ago, swisscheese said:

Thanks Jack, better user name too - "notnickclegg" was soooo yesterday ;))


The only reason I chose that name was because I was in a rush when I signed up to ebuild.  The security question was something like "who is the prime minister", and the answer "notnickclegg" jumped to mind.  I've cursed it ever since, so this was a good opportunity to change it B|

I'll also change my photo in due course.  It's a character from a fantastic sitcom called "Arrested Development", which I was binge watching at the time I signed up.  The character is Tobias Funcke: http://arresteddevelopment.wikia.com/wiki/Tobias_F%C3%BCnke   I'll change the photo so something a bit less crap once people are used to me as Jack instead of notnickclegg - there's enough change going on without adding further to the confusion!

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