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  1. Hi All, Any ASHP owners in the Cambridge area can share any recomendations on ASHP servicing. Looking for a good local trader. Any advice welcome. Cheers
  2. Andy, I don't have the data to back this but this is exactly what I see with the Samsung unit, essentially anything around 3 degrees or below.
  3. Thanks Andy, Comprehensive. I'll double check against mine, but on first look, very similar.
  4. That's the return temperature 16-18 ASHP, out temp currently around 38 degrees, I have switched over to the "heat Curve" , so I'm now mixing down to around 35 at the manifold, the return pipe is still currently around 16 The question is really about balancing.
  5. 16-18 Hi Andy, also on a Samsung and also with a strung out L shaped design. How do you get on with the Samsung? Any wild config tips!
  6. It's been "working" for a while though I have never been super happy with the temp difference between flow and return. This prolonged cold weather has made the issue more noticeable as it becomes more obvious as set back temps take longer to get back and on closer inspection there are cold spots on the floor and the ASHP works harder than it needs to.
  7. Hi All, My UFH return temp is currently way too low coming back to the downstairs manifold. It's from an ASHP, temp currently around 38degress, so I'm mixing down to around 30-32 degrees at the manifold for the UFH heating. The return is pipe is cold, I'm thinknig there will be cold spots on the floor also, not tested. I upped the flow rates to see if that helped, to push something round, but the return pipe at the manifold stayed cold, all it did was make the ASHP work stupidly hard. Any tips is troubleshooting return temps? Thanks
  8. By way of update : The roofing co, were jolly decent and once their accountant agreed, they repaid the incorrectly charged VAT.
  9. Yes - thanks, the roofing situation was over complicated with different materials and structures, so this got overlooked from this particular supplier.
  10. I feared as much - this might be blood from a stone situation, any further recourse if they are not forthcoming?
  11. @ProDave Thanks - Some not all of the roofing supply and fit.
  12. Hello All, We have had our first effort at VAT claim returned from the HMRC and they have labelled a couple of invoices as refused Reason Code 1. This is essentially saying that VAT should not have been charged. Well it has it's on the invoice! We have paid it! Not unsubstantial either! I guess I will have to go back to the supplier to try and plead and get the VAT back from them, is this the only option left to me? Has anybody else been hammered under Reason Code 1, what's the best course of action. Help appreciated! SC
  13. sorry - yep me being lazy - definitely wireless not wifi - thats what happens when you have a teeneage daughter it "wifi this wifi that"
  14. explains the crux of the matter precisely. Exactly why I need the Current sensor in the garage. The question though remains to see if I get the wifi or go through walls and distance or go for a wired option.
  15. Thanks @ProDave That will be out of my league I'm afraid - so looking for something off the peg that will work - I must say they all seem over priced, to me so appreciate your sentiments. My thoughts are the twisted pair as a Current Transformer guarantees connectivity, if it's supported by the product but I don't really know which way to jump - the iBoost seems a simple wifi enabled solution. If you were "buying" wired have you seen a simple schematic of the over distance installation, and best options?
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