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Floor membrane detail at garage door threshold.


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I intend to use grey edging blocks along the garage door entrance and I am debating where the dpm under the floor slab should end at the point where the slab edge meets the entrance edging blocks.


In the attached diagram:


E = edging block 200mm deep, 100mm high at the leading edge and 125 high where the block meets the slab.

C = poured concrete slab.

HC = hardcore

S = Sand blinding

B = coursing block

H = Heavy concrete foundation block

R = Approach ramp in 2" clean limestone with dressing chippings on top

Hashed area is strong concrete cavity fill.


My concern is that the edging blocks might wobble loose under the traction vehicle tires. To reduce that risk I would prefer to have a mortar joint between the blocks and the leading face of the concrete slab. That however would allow moisture ingress into the slab.


It is a single story garage with a typical roof overhang.


Where should the dpm membrane shown in the thick blue felt end at the door threshold?



Edited by epsilonGreedy
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32 minutes ago, Oz07 said:

Thats what I did with foam strip in between for expansion



"Expansion". And here I am worrying about traction from wheels tugging the blocks (E) towards the hardcore ramp (R) which will not provide that much lateral support.


Where does your garage door sit at floor level? I ask because another thing I am concerned about is the possibility of wind driven rain causing moisture ingress between C & E with a result that water flows under the slab but above the membrane and thus becomes trapped. The vertical dashed lines are the wall profile. 

Edited by epsilonGreedy
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expansion of slab.

Your edging blocks will be haunched with concrete below gravel level.

Mine is flush with edging blocks at top, probably 30mm higher than the block paving outside, then this ramp goes down over a meter or so to probably 150mm below ffl

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My door sits around 10mm higher than slab and around 20mm of slab is exposed. In driven rain the first couple of hundred mm gets damp but generally stays dry because door is fitted behind 9" brickwork

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