We had a delay in releasing funds for our frame which meant that instead of it being erected in April it has only now just been erected. The dilemma we now face is the that the plasterer's are uncertain whether they can get the exterior completed before the bad weather arrives and the delay in the windows ,end of November ,means we face the prospect of having to wait until next year to finish the exterior. The frame is watertight at the moment and I am waiting for the timber frame manufacturer to get back to me as to what I can expect from leaving it throughout the winter but has anybody got any pearls of wisdom that they think we could do to keep it watertight for possibly six months. I am thinking of fly battening the outside to ensure the wind does not get under the roofing membrane and frame breather membrane, even wrapping it in some heavy duty plastic?
The frame itself is fully insulated with airtightness membrane so I am keen not to get water/moisture into the structure.