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  1. This is my first time on this website and I would be grateful for any information on the installation of roof solar panels on a barn conversion with Class Q permission. I am considering purchasing this single storey barn in Northamptonshire with Class Q permission and I was hoping to have an ASHP and solar panels on the roof. My searches of this forum so far have revealed two statements that the solar panels are not permitted development on Class Q buildings and one statement that ASHP, solar panels and wind turbine are the only permitted development on Class Q. A separate planning application has also been stated as an alternative option.
  2. Hi nice to meet everyone. I am just starting out on my journey and looking to attempt a class Q conversion. I have done a LOT of research into the matter and consulted 2 planners and although I accept their advice I am struggling with their recommendation. Currently I have a large barn built with part steel frame, blockwork full height on both end, half height down the sides, with a tin roof. Next to this approx 1mtr away is an open fronted lambing shed which is part blockwork, half height walls and a couple of steel supports. Their advice is to only go for class Q on the larger building for reasons such as "not enough structure in the smaller building" or "it may complicate things". My problem is that I need the additional space. The barn by itself does not have enough space to make a home for us as we have 2 kids and I also need a small bedsit space for my mother.Their advice is to get class Q initially on the main barn and then submit for planning to extend and include the smaller shed. Does this sound like the best coarse of action in your opinion ? I am a pretty open and honest guy and this seems somewhat underhanded and I'm conscious it mate get the local authorities back up. Though I'm told it won't and " that's just how it's done".. Any advice on the above is really appreciated. But with the assumption this is the only way forward... Next steps Firstly I am going to file a pre-apps which I understand is approx £200 and includes a site visit. The smaller barn is currently being used to house stuff that would generally be in a garage and this building has half its roof missing and in need of repair. The larger building has a tractor and other agricultural stuff in. Is there anything I should do or be aware of saying either before or when this happens? Should I say I want this smaller barn to be a garage ? Should I agree to knock it down ? I just want to ensure I am in a position to answer appropriately when needed. Also regarding proving it was in use agriculturally for the past 10 years ? Will I actually need to do this ? I naught the house 4 years ago and on the sale photos it shows a combine and straw in the barn and the seller told me it's been there for the past 6 years or so.. will they track him down and confirm this ? Or do I need to ? Thanks for any advice and I have a ton more questions including (roofing, solar, self drilling a borehole, self drawing architect designs) to which I will raise in appropriate catagories. Regards Neil
  3. Hi, We are after advise from people who have done this and any tips or potential pit falls to avoid. barn is modern steel structure built in 1996. passed structural reports and planning in Devon Thanks tony
  4. Hi there we started building our house back in the Autumn, was our old Silage shed. Been a rollercoaster with planning, getting builders on site then the wet/windy Winter. Demolished the surrounding buildings last Summer/Autumn. Stripped the old roof very little photographic evidence of that!?? Then when the weather allowed fitted the roof again by ourselves, builders arrived Nov/Dec and been on sight on and off. I’m doing as much as I can alongside them groundwork’s, steel cleaning and painting, outside cladding... Electricians on 1st fix, which leads me to this site, need some MVHR help, so will be posting a separate thread on that. Lee Here’s some pics and our Instagram page. https://instagram.com/devon_barn_conversion?r=nametag https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1xwabykomp0t4&utm_content=b9tjlhg
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