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Everything posted by Lee66

  1. hi , did you get any further with this? been looking at these as a potential new oil boiler but i know nothing about oil boilers and will have a mix of rads and UFH
  2. I,m just trying to decide after reading many posts of here if a 2kW system will be worth bothering with? Refurbing and extending a 1960s bungalow which is on oil(no gas available). I only have available space for 6 maybe 7 solar panels. Roof is 45 degree pitch and is South - South west facing (Southern England). I have read about running appliances on timers, which sounds great and am considering if I go with panels to get a cylinder for hot water, that hopefully this will help top up the temperatures. Question is will i get enough energy through a small system to make this worth doing. I know it wont make money but i read people putting 6-8kW systems up to meet their needs. 2 person household and currently both out most of the working week day. Thanks
  3. Hi all, jumping in on this topic as I intend something similar. I am only insulating under floor(bungalow) to reduce draughts but was intending 100mm mineral wool between my joists, which are only 100mm themselves, and insulating the pipework and hanging below the joists. the floor itself below has been concreted and there is a gap of 300+mm between bottom of joists and concrete with good ventilation from air bricks. would I need a vapour barrier or is it ok to just replace the tongue and groove floorboards? rooms will be carpeted.
  4. I am extending and refurbing a 1960s bungalow. i intend to use electric UFH in bathroom as a back up to a radiator to take chill of tiled floor and in old kitchen, which will become utility and new cloakroom I am looking to continue wet UFH from new Kitchen. I have started removing screed in bathroom which is 50mm approx thick which should be enough to get some insulation in floor before electric mat and tile but how much insulation should i go for, tile is 8mm and what is type is best? Secondly with only 50mm screed anticipated in old kitchen will i need to try and remove more concrete to accommodation insulation and wet UFH pipes with 15mm tile going on?
  5. Thanks very much for the offer, I may take you up on it sometime. I am in the same position you are in, trying to justify the cost of wooden and maintenance against uPVC. It seems for me uPVC will be the way forward just having proper feed back as opposed to manufactures spill helps enormously.
  6. Hi all, anyone have flush casement uPVC windows and if so what are your opinions in regard look and more importantly draught proofing.
  7. Being oil though, I,ve heard it takes longer to heat the water than Gas, is that the case? don,t want to have to run a shower for ages to get hot water through
  8. I have decided to stick with oil for now on a recently purchased property. the boiler will need changing but as this will be the first time I've had oil, always been on the gas with a combi. which would would be a better boiler option? The property, a bungalow, will be approx 125sq m, 55 of which will be new build with wet underfloor heating. the remaining will be radiators, 1 bathroom and a cloakroom. 2 occupants. any advise greatly received
  9. Hi, I have ripped up the carpets in the 1960s bungalow we are refurbing ready to alter pipework to radiators. the floorboards look in great condition with no gaps with exception of edges where I removed skirting boards. I dont need to lift many boards to alter pipes but am wondering while i,m at this stage would there be a significant benefit in lifting them all and insulating between floor joists. this is by no means going to be an airtight place but as heating costs rise will the benefit out way the cost and if so what insulation will suffice. thanks
  10. Hi all, I know little about various solar set-ups but have been considering have some to assist with electricity costs and doing my bit for the planet. I notice whilst reading different topics on here mention of a plug in system. I can see from some websites that they obviously dont give a feed in tariff but a 2 kw system at £2.5k seems good value. What are your opinions on this type of system and anyone have something similar running? Thanks
  11. I intend lagging all the central heating pipes when we move stuff around but my partner wants radiators (cast iron or modern equivalent) in the bedrooms. I plan on fitting oversize ones now with room states so even if i stick with oil, which i was leaning towards in future we are ready to go ASHP and not have to spend silly amounts again on radiators. As bedrooms and Old lounge are suspended wooden floors is it worth some kind of insulation underneath? I have to way up the benefits against cost of lifting all the floor boards and insulation and this being done by trades as currently I am working away all week so no time to do myself
  12. Hi all, I have looked at the oil boiler in the bungalow we are buying and from what I see (will get professional advice) it not only looks old but the tag on it showed only 15kw output so with the new extension I feel it will also be under powered. Question is do I go with a new oil boiler knowing that the government are trying to faze fossil fuels out or an ASHP? Whilst the new Extension (approx 56 sq M) will be at least to the minimum latest insulation standards and have wet underfloor heating the existing bungalow(70 sq M) is 1960,s so little or no insulation. The roof is being replaced so loft insulation can be topped up and new windows but with some solid floors and some suspended and no cavity insulation will it be too draughty for an ASHP?
  13. the build isnt an oak frame, we are going brick and block but were putting the oak trusses in for appearance only. Obviously the architect and builder will decide how to accomplish this but we are hoping that the trusses dont actually touch the ceiling on the slope sides
  14. Thanks, not heard of this before, wasnt sure if there was some fancy insulated tile or something i had missed. I will certainly bare this in mind. Only just getting my head around the potential issues of vaulted ceilings with heat loss through timbers! Would never have thought of that in a million years.
  15. Think cpd must have miss read my question or meant something else? I was referring to the vaulted ceiling rather than the walls. Existing is a 1960s bungalow with at present probably no insulation, certainly not in the floor or walls. We intend to re-roof this to match in with the new extension and sort loft insulation. hoping then to clad the outside with an oak feather edge board, firstly as the bricks are ugly and we need to brick up some window/door openings and secondly to help with heat loss through the walls. most floors are suspended except for current kitchen and bathroom which are solid, so unsure what we plan for with these yet
  16. sorry, what do you mean by external insulation?
  17. yes, king trusses but below the finished ceiling hopefully as a feature rather than structurally supporting the roof
  18. My new extension(kitchen/diner/lounge all open), 10m x 5m with a 3mx2.4m Oak section on rear, will have a vaulted ceiling with a 45degree pitch. haven't got as far as building regs drawings yet but wondered what you would do for insulation if it was yours? ( I want to be one step ahead of architect and builder)
  19. Hi all, new to the site but have been looking at some of the pages as a guest. Just about to complete on a 1960,s bungalow which we plan to refurb and put a vaulted kitchen/diner/lounge extension across the rear. Obviously this will be to current building regs but its how much we can alter in old part to get decent insulation/heat etc with old floors and walls. so I will be picking a lot brains on various pages regarding Boiler(currently oil) or ASHP choices, whether MVHR is an option and sewage plants as I want to renew/replace old cesspit.
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