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Everything posted by Jvh2012

  1. Ok. So I think the pipe should have been coming back into the bottom of the hot water tank? There’s like an attachment for a pipe there but no pipe running to it if that makes sense
  2. Hoping someone can help. We had an ashp fitted via a local company but our contractor who built tje house did all the plumbing. The local company came out to do the service last week and mentioned there is no hot water return to the pump and that it can’t be retrofitted. They said the plumbing wasn’t up to scratch but we can’t go back to contractor as we fell out towards the end of the project, how important is this return and what impact will it have if it’s not there please?
  3. Am I missing something then? In our old house we didn’t use anywhere near as much as this (boiler) we seem to be using a lot more whereas we were sold on ashp due to having an energy efficient house we should save a lot of money, (ignoring price increase) we are using a lot more energy out bills are looking to be £600 this month alone!
  4. How do I check my flow temps and weather compensation sorry?
  5. Firstly, is my consumption high please? Our consumption fluctuates so much even when we’re not at home (2 week holiday early may) and I am so confused we have an ecodan ashp. I have attachedenergy-consumption 4.xlsx our usage and hope someone can help with whether this is normal usage please. we live in a 4 bed detached house, new build With all energy efficient appliances, epc b and air tightness test provided a result of 4.2. tia
  6. How would I do that sorry?
  7. Sorry yes ecodan. And it wasn’t left on as such I just assumed it would constantly use electric.how would I find out about whether it was keeping the sump heater operating? we have ufh downstairs and radiators upstairs and have no idea how we should be setting these to be the most efficient. I’ve contacted the company who installed but they only installed the ashp now under. Floor heating
  8. Hi I’m hoping for some advice please; we’ve had a smart meter fitted and I’m convinced there are issues and have been contacting our provider for months. Whilst On holiday the house was using between 10kwh and 15kwh per day with only the fridge freezer and cctv on. Other than ashp nothing else would have been using electricity in that time. I’m now concerned with cost of electricity and possibly a dodgy meter, I need to be running this ashp at its most efficient through the winter months as we are already using an astronomical amount of electricity. we have an 8.5 kw eco fan ultra quiet ashp with a cop of 4.09 and a 250l hot water cylinder. Any advice gratefully received! thanks
  9. Absolutely no idea sorry just remember seeing them using a nail gun to attach them
  10. The problem we have is the house has been decorated so I don’t know how they rectify now? And from what I’ve read they’ve done it wrong using a nail gun rather than screws for plaster board and plastering wrong so the plaster is much thicker at the bottom which shouldn’t be the case, we have around 15 plaster pops already plus the issues with the corner edges. The odd wall being out of square I will live with I guess
  11. So we’ve had our build completed and have now moved in, we have numerous issues with the plastering but I’m being told none of them are iasues all are normal and they’re for us to sort. Majority of the walls are thicker at the bottom than the top (we’ve found this out due to not being able to fit furniture in due to bottom being out, corners aren’t square, again found out trying to fit a desk in and it isn’t anywhere near straight. We have a ridiculous amount of plaster pops and have only been in a few months and we have cracks along joints and above door frames. We also have lumps and bumps and trowel marks in most walls. Same plasterers did the render. We have found that down the side of the bay window hasn’t been filled leaving around a 10mm gap and have asked them to come back. None of the reveals age crisp and straight and they windows haven’t been protected so there’s render on the windows. I’m absolutely gutted and don’t know what we’re suppose to do on this situation, and help/advise would be great fully received. We haven’t paid the final balance yet. Does anybody know if a quote is accepted inflation costs can be added afterwards? Thank you I can add photos if needed
  12. I am lost. I’ve been looking at bioethanol fires for weeks and can’t work out who is a reputable company to buy from, we don’t have the budget for planks and realistically would be looking to buy a ribbon burner to build into a media unit. Can anybody advise or has anybody used a company for this they would recommend? Thank you
  13. I know, I was just concerned with how it will work as the steel Post will be in the way of the window. I’ll talk to the builder tomorrow
  14. Hope Someone can help me with this, have gone to our build last week and the builder has put steel posts in the bay window as discussed with a recommended structural engineer who we were told was experience with Nudura and turns out he isn’t. Anyway long story short I want square bay widows and I don’t see how that can be achieved with these huge steel posts in the way now, I have attached a photo of the windows we want, currently there are huge posts sticking up in each external Corner of the bays, and they’re not both in the same position if that makes sense? any advise hugely appreciated, I’m going to speak to the builder in the morning but wells just wondering if anybody on here could give any advice please. Tia
  15. Hi, we’re building our home with Nudura and are looking for a silicone render for the outside, I was initially hoping to use k rend but have just come across ewi pro silicone silicate render which looks brilliant, hoping others may have experience/advice please? I’ve tried to google but not much comes up for ewi yet obviously there is a lot online for kRend. Tia
  16. I know it dies with them just don’t know whether any of their family still live on the land because if they do it stays with them apparently? It’s all very confusing! The problem is we don’t have time so are going to end up paying for insurance we may not even need which is frustrating!
  17. We have bought a plot of land that the solicitor advised had a restrictive covenant but if the person who owned the land when the covenant was put in place (1931) no longer owns the land/has passed away, nor do his estate then the convenant no longer stands. Now we are being told to buy an indemnity policy as it will be needed for our self build mortgage company. Initially we were told around £150, then quoted £300-350 by the company and since then from searches carried out they have upped their quote to £840! Now the land on 1931 was split in a completely different way to how it is now, for some reason the middle of our plot was included in the deed yet has somehow ended up back with the property that sold us some of their land, I guess what im Asking is firstly, can I find a cheaper indemnity policy on my own if I really need it, and two of the land was sold seperately again surely the Covenant doesn’t stay with the middle Piece of our plot? also how would I find out if the owners of the current properties from the initial covenant are the family of the beneficiary in 1931? I know one definitely isn’t, can’t confirm the other one. Tia
  18. So sorry to jump on this so late just hoping that you may be able to tell me who you got the much cheaper quote from for the indemnity insurance please? Our solicitor is quoting us £870 for an indemnity policy!
  19. Ok so my dad has been to the site today (ex Bt engineer from many years ago) and reckons they can just move 3 of the cable to the pole further down the road and that would be enough . Does anybody have any experience of this and what the cost might be?
  20. Could anybody offer any advice please? We have just bought a plot and have stupidly only just noticed the overhead wires travelling from a pole outside of our plot are possibly going to affect our build. There are five wire travelling to properties over our land which used to be a large garden/orchard before we bought it. Where do we stand in relation to asking openreach to move them? There is no wayleave on our deeds but from research im not sure they need one? There is a lot of conflicting information online. The wires don’t benefit our land at all just the properties to the north of our land whereby the lines are connected to the rear of their properties, I have checked and there are no poles on the main road to connect the properties to. Realistically I would be happy if the pole was moved a few metres Down the road if that’s all that could be done.
  21. Alex can I ask how this situation was resolved please? We are in a very similar situation to you but with a number of cables running overhead across one side of our land.
  22. Sorry no we haven’t paid yet, we’re around four weeks from completion
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