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Everything posted by Fiona

  1. Channel 4 property series 'Building The Dream' is looking for new residential self build projects to feature for the next series. We'd love to hear from you if you are embarking on this exciting journey and would like architectural designer Charlie Luxton to look over your plans. If you're interested in finding out more information please contact us on: Email: buildingthedream@truenorth.tv Tel: 0113 394 5474. Further information about the series can be found online:http://www.channel4.com/programmes/building-the-dream
  2. It's interesting that we are talking about the abstract concepts out there. I agree, not many people can afford these but certainly makes for a fascinating viewing. Working on one of these 'TV property programmes', I see a lot of people striving to input their unique ideas so as to be less of a clone of others around them but it has to always come back to budget! Is it your dream home if it's hell to get to it?
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