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Everything posted by MuddyOne

  1. Found this thread- shame it seemed to stray from the original question and went down a rabbit hole around foil - and vermin attack - valid points that needed making, but seemed to be flogged to death. So wished to pull this back to the original thread. I am looking at ICF. There seem to be two types, polystyrene (or similar) Lego blocks or woodcrete based forms. I prefer woodcrete due to: 1. Future fixings not having to find the webs 2. Thermal mass not insulated so works 3. The polystyrene is non structural and has fire concerns. I am no expert, I am edging towards Velox due to lack of thermal bridges and ease of construction (I am a self build). Any others I should be looking at and any feedback from using Velox? Cheers
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