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  1. Also interested in suppliers in Glasgow area
  2. Thanks ETC, will keep you posted on how we get on. Really appreciate you amazing design
  3. If CO2 sinks to the bilge you can use the bilge pump to clear it out but a bit of a pain to have to manually trigger it all the time.
  4. Thanks for this helpful comment. 1. The plot has a garage built g that had detailed planning to convert to a two bed dwelling. The architect is my father in law and it was him who intended to build but circumstances have changed. It is a conservation area and we have a few TPO trees to deal with. 2. planning co sultans was on site yesterday looking at some designs and the plot (we’ve shown him the largest possible design we want and asked for advice) I haven’t got the detail from that yet. 3. The road immediately outside is private and not adopted I believe. As it’s been the access to the property for 40-50 years we don’t see an issue here. Forward gear is a thought, I think we will be able to turn as we always have on the driveway but it needs looking at, thanks. 4. I think we want to go bigger than the plans, closer to 200m2 but we should be fine there. 6. Discussing this with planning consultant also 8. there’s already connected drainage on the plot, toilet in the outbuilding and storm drains connected to main drain system.
  5. The entrance to the plot was the entrance to the house before the plot was divided so it’s been used as drive in for years. I’ll have a look to it that GD thanks
  6. Ok, here’s what the architect came up with… any thoughts? Front Elevation Alternatives 2024-12-11.pdf GF & Site Plan 2024-12-11.pdf FF Plan Options 2024.12.11.pdf Approx Roof Plan 2024-12-11.pdf Front Elevation Base 2024-12-11.pdf
  7. Make sure data cables don’t run along side any power cables. Try to cross at 90 degrees with 70mm separation between them to prevent cross talk.
  8. On Control4, you can have a centralised lighting system. So all lighting is wired back to the plant room and then every ‘light switch’ or in this case programmable keypad is wired with data cable (i don’t think it’s Cat6 in this case) in a daisy chain back to the plant room. This means the keypads can be doing loads of other things as well as lighting. also wise to have done wireless keypads around if you’re having a signed network as part of the C4 system. ive worked in as art hone products for a long time. Even though C4 is expensive seems like a far reaching solution with great integration. I believe you can ask your dealer for certain ability to do done programming on your own.
  9. @SBMS did you end up getting a quote or kit from MBC?
  10. @SBMS really appreciate the input. Gives us another angle to discuss with the architect. what impact on cost to build does the attic space have? Do you consider it like any other internal square meterage?
  11. Thanks for the feedback. We feel we might even be struggling with planning for two stories based on where we are. Next door is bungalow with loft conversion and due to the small nature of plot and close proximity of next door neighbour we will be towering over them. It's a difficult one! I'm sure we will find a solution
  12. Sorry guys, should have said roof is crazy just cause I can’t use sketchup. I’m definitely not an architect! We have to work to the shape of the plot unfortunately. Architect can straighten the rooms out a little. Was more looking to see if anyone had any alternate idea for how we could work with the plot.
  13. Thanks, cable definitely needs diverted. It’s their telephone and broadband I think. does it make a difference if we opt for a raft foundation?
  14. Is anyone using it? Be interested to know what the cost was and what sort of setup you have?
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