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  1. Hi, no they didnt put anything underneath. So between the underfloor and the new floor there is nothing. Was there supposed to be anything? How can the sound and movement be fixed? The loud noise and the feeling of stepping on a bubble is unacceptable. There is a zone in the house where there used to be a fireplace. That area has been covered in cement and this is another area where the new floor makes a loud hollow sound anytime someone walks on it.
  2. Hi, I have an issue and can't understand what to do. I recently paid a builder to install new floor in the whole house (old floor was old laminate, new floor is hardwood oak). After they finished the work I noticed that when walking in certain areas the floor makes a popping sound as if there is a bubble underneath. Noise is very loud. I addressed this to the builder asking to fix it but he blamed the hardwood that creates this noises, not the installation but I am worried is actually the installation that wasnt done properly. I dont know what thry did,I think they glued only the edges together and then they glued it to the edges to the rooms. I would like to know is some of you could advise on how a proper istallation should be done to the underfloor..? It feels the underfloor is not level in some areas Thank you!
  3. Yes sorry I meant 1.7m high maximum. I wrote incorrectly above and only by reading again it looks so confusing. Thanks for your help
  4. Thank you! There are no covenants, I mean there are but refer to building new roads. So no planning permission? For fence lower than 2 meters, alongside my own driveway that faces a road. Also the fence would not be fully 1:70 high, it will be decreasing in grades. I mean a fence 1 meter high whats even the point of having it.
  5. Hi I have a driveway separated from the one of neighbours by a shallow brick flower bed. I would like to increase my privacy and build a fence 1meter 60/70cm tall so their car won't look straight in my window. Do I need planning permission? My driveway faces a quiet public road and woulf not be for the full lenght of thr driveway and would not wrap around it. Any advice? Thanks
  6. claire99


    Hello everyone, I hope you can help with your precious advice. I am rewiring my house and I was asked to move forniture. Do you know if electricians are supposed to move themselves sofas and beds? I just want to know if this is supposed to be part of the work electricians normally do during rewiring. Thanks in advance
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