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James Allen

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  1. Based on my online research the following units are the best options. Does anyone have any suggestions, I want to start getting quotes this week and want to put together a list of companies to approach for quotes. ASHP: Heliotherm (though very expensive). Viessman and Stiebel Eltron MVHR: Zehnder, Brink
  2. Thanks lots of responses - really appreciate the help. We are aware cooling through MVHR is limited and we have been advised that there are no significant overheating risks on the house - we have designed most out with overhangs etc. Though FCU in the main bedroom is something we might look into, with MVHR cooling just to bring the temp of the air that isn introduced into the house down. @G and J who is the company that you have found helpful? When it comes to choosing suppliers, I favour quality over price and do like an element of hand-holding.
  3. Cooling was something we were discussing actually, we had looked at doing through the mvhr
  4. Hi John, thanks for the detailed reply. First time I have heard someone suggest not to bother with the grant, £7.5k is a lot of money to ignore. Not quite sure why I would design for electric panel heaters and rads if I'm paying for an ashp? Not going for PH cert, but aiming to the standard, so as airtight as possible. ASHP I would not feel comfortable doing myself (not within my skillset), though MVHR maybe....though would be concerned with getting it wrong and it all being behind plasterboard. Any recommendations for MVHR manufacturers/suppliers?
  5. Hi All new to forum, been watching as a guest for a while. We have finally started on our journey, site secured and existing house demolished. We have narrowed down our timber frame supplier to three and will be making a decision in the coming weeks. So far all three have suggested that we must have MVHR and that we should make a choice on our source for heating. We want UFH and are likely to go down the ASHP route. Prior to this journey my knowledge was limited, I have done a lot of research online and to be honest there is so much choice and I really don't know what to choose, which companies are best to approach. So welcome suggestions from the community. This seems like a very important decision. James
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