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  1. Federation of Master Builders - agreed it with the main contractor a while ago without really understanding the implications. It looks fine on paper, but not many building societies have it on their pre-approved panel, so it might cause headaches. LABC or NHBC is probably better choices.
  2. Look at the Samsung TDM plus Climatehub model. Multi-split with A2W hydro box plus 2 extra indoor A2A units. So you could have A2W heating circuits and hot water, plus two A2A wall or ducted units for shoulder season heating and summer cooling. 200L or 250L tank, BUS grant certified. It's R410A, which wouldn't be my preferred option, and isn't as efficient as some of the latest models, but it'll do what you want. https://samsung-climatesolutions.com/gb/b2c/our-solutions/home/heat-pump-solutions/heating-cooling/tdm-plus.html
  3. I've gone with Harpenden. Mostly as they are one of the few that supports the warranty provider our contractor had set up. Lots of things I didn't appreciate the implication of at the start of our build that now make life slightly harder!
  4. Appreciate I've left this a long time, but Ecology are still not offering mortgages for self-build. I went through Mayflower in the end.
  5. @Alan Ambrose - I hope you're right and they've just hit their Q3 underwriting limits. But if they don't resurrect it at the start of October I'll have to look elsewhere as time will be getting a bit tight.
  6. I had been in conversations with Ecology BS about arranging a mortgage, though I hadn't applied. And now they're not doing self-build loans any more, which is annoying. Any other recommendations out there?
  7. @Barny Sort of depends on what you consider to be expensive... Rockwool isn't that pleasant to install, but once it's in it's great. Pavatextil (made from recycled cotton/ jeans etc) is also good I think - has good density and should be good for this - but it's quite a bit more, almost double. It would be much nicer to install yourself I'd imagine.
  8. You can also easily do this in Windows 10 with FancyZones from Microsoft - had it installed for years, works very well
  9. Have 21:9 monitors at work and I moderately dislike them. Have 2x 32" 4k monitors at home and love them - I can rotate them into portrait and typically do with one of the two most of the time - this makes it useful for stacking apps vertically. I work in cybersecurity, so it's useful to have a lot of space for the obligatory binary waterfalls and meaningless green code while I'm slouching in a hoody. I think you made the right choice with the conventional aspect ratio in 32"
  10. I want cooling, too. I have only a 1% overheating risk above 25 degrees and I may be able to further design that out, but 25 degrees isn't my comfort zone for sleeping, so I want cooling - even if only a little. I know a few on here are successfully doing cooling above the dew point with UFH, but I want it to work out of the box with no additional programming or stress and without so much predictive planning going on to monitor the weather later in the day.
  11. Yeah, maybe I am. I concede that. The thing that gets me, though, is that even at a lower probability, the impact is far greater and the monetary and disruptive cost to rectify is far higher. Digging up floors is never fun. It could also go unseen for a while longer than above ground. Anyway, that's my risk tolerance - well, my partner's actually. I suppose dealing with insurance claims all day will do that to you.
  12. Had the same thoughts. Arostor or similar for DWH plus A2A for heating/cooling. Priced it up and came out quite a bit more, plus I'd prefer the HP unit outside the house - plant room is kind of close to a bedroom. Then there's the planning permission. In a conservation area and had a fair bit of trouble just getting permission to build. Won't allow Solar PV because you can see the back (south) of the house from a side-street, though I'm pushing back on this. Which makes immersion and direct electric a bit harder to justify. Having said that, the bathroom will just be an electric towel rail! So only direct electric.... Thought about dual fuel and a second heating zone, but I don't want the complexity.
  13. Yeah, agreed. Which is why I wanted something like this https://www.daikin.ie/en_gb/product-group/air-to-air-heat-pumps/multiplus.html one high level unit upstairs, one console unit downstairs, and the UVC right next to the bathroom - very little copper piping. The most likely thing to go wrong with be the condensate pump failing on one of the units. Probably would have been a cheap-ish installation. But I can't buy it with any UK support or warranty, and I don't fancy bringing it over on the ferry from Ireland and having nobody to install it.
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