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Everything posted by GSN

  1. Hi @Tom's Barn, I was reading up on your build as well as those done by others on this group and have been very interested in using Isotex for my own build. I am currently in the process with an architect of designing a fairly large single storey ~190sqm “outhouse”, in the garden (new build) as well as a large extension to our existing house too. Plans are to be finalised and sent to planning but I recently attended the Grand Designs show at the NEC and came across Isotex which interested me greatly as an alternative way to build. I am in contact with one of the Italian owners whom I met at the show (as well as someone who locally builds using this method for them), about it all but wondered whether you had any final thoughts about it all, whether you would use it again as a build method, whether anything that you had not considered before about the build changed your thinking or methods during build and perhaps importantly whether you would do anything differently. I am grateful for your time and I hope you are enjoying your build otherwise. BW Nags
  2. Hi Keith, I was reading up on your build as currently in the process with an architect of designing a fairly large single storey ~190sqm “outhouse”, in the garden (new build) as well as an extension to our existing house too. Plans are to be finalised and sent to planning but I recently attended the Grand Designs show at the NEC and came across Isotex which interested me greatly as an alternative way to build. I will be in contact with one of the Italian owners whom I met at the show about it all but wondered whether you had any final thoughts about it all, whether you would use it again as a build method, whether anything that you had not considered before about the build changed your thinking and whether you would do anything differently. I am grateful for your time and I hope you are enjoying your build otherwise. BW Nags
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