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    sth derbyshire

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  1. Thanks for replying what did the builders use for charging ?
  2. Good idea why didn’t I think of that 😁
  3. So looking at these as we have no electric or toilet facilities on site . Lots of 2nd hand mobile ones for sale with chem toilet and 6 kva genny on the back my question is are 6 kva gennys big enough to charge battery drills etc ?
  4. just planning a new build 250m highly insulated , what would be the best option to run it ? if solar pv what size 3ph or single ph ? battery storage ? can we do gas boiler now on a new build ? basically what would be the ultimate best option ?
  5. so if for example it cost 100,000 to build zero rated there would be a vat bill of 20,000 if rented out ?
  6. have we payed vat though if zero rated ( i know im being thick)
  7. is there an issue if you build a new build property and let it out after having it zero rated during the build?
  8. thanks all ,western power quoted for single and 3 phase . ive asked them if the inverta question its important to know at this stage , no answer yet
  9. were in the process of building 2 properties on a plot the plan is to move in to one and let the other out ,how does this affect the zero rating of the builds if indeed it does and are there any measures we can take before we start ? maybe delay the building of the second one ?
  10. afternoon all , im in the process of organising new electrical connection to a new build plot and mentioned to the connection team that i maybe doing ashp and solar panels . theve asked me what size solar inverta im thinking of installing ? its all new to me i have no idea but itll be roof mounted on a 2500 sq foot 4 bed any ideas ?
  11. what did you end up doing@greenqueen this is something were exploring now [oak frame v normal build ]in fact i could of written the thread 😀
  12. the plan is to start building one now move in and get the foundations in for the other one and finish when funds allow not intending to sell , drainage is ptp with soakaway and rain garden for rain water etc
  13. afternoon all , weve been lucky enough to get outline planning for two properties on an infill site , its in a rural setting both services are on the side of the road adjacent to the plots . when is the best time to apply for connection is it best to wait for detailed planning and is it some thing the building contractor may get involved in when we get around to choosing ?
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