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Everything posted by Katie_

  1. Just a single house, I'll contact BT and hopefully start the ball rolling. Thank you for the reply!
  2. Hoping someone can give me an idiots guide to installing broadband to our newbuild as I seem to find conflicting information on the internet! So we're building a new house on an old farmyard beside a 'B' road in Perthshire, Scotland. We've recently had fibre cables put into the area which are now up and running. We're living in the cottage next door but have been running 4G router over there as the broadband speeds were so poor prior to the new fibre going in, there was a BT connection to the cottage, we just haven't used it. The new house has Cat6 cabling in main rooms so ideally I'd like to connect these into the hub and into the new fibre network outside. We also have a BT pole on our land directly in front of the new house. How do I start the process? Am I right in thinking I sign up to the Openreach Developer Portal and they do a site visit or desktop study of what's on site? I read somewhere it's £2000 for a single property connection is that right??? Or do I go through BT Retail and get a phoneline put in? (we don't need a phoneline, only use mobiles but I guess this is needed for the broadband connection?) I spoke to Vodafone as a new broadband customer but the new address, although registered, wasn't showing as having any broadband connectivity despite the rest of the street being on the new fibre network, but I assume this is because there's no phoneline installed to the property? Looking for advice from someone that's gone through this and prepare me for the potential cost implications. Also, what ducting is required from where - pole to house? We have a mini-digger so can do this ourselves if it helps on cost. Copying @elite @Thorfun who I think might have gone through similar recently (found a similar thread) Thank you!
  3. Hi all, My main contractor's insurance covers the entire build including liability etc but doesn't cover our timber frame kit as we're supplying and paying for this ourselves. Can anyone recommend an insurer that will cover materials only? I've had quotes from Protek and Clear Selfbuild but they cover the entire build including public liability etc etc which I don't need. Any ideas appreciated?
  4. Thank you so much David that's really helpful! Much appreciated, fun Christmas break I have ahead!!
  5. Thank you so much, I appreciate the link and advice!
  6. Hi all We're at the very beginning of our self build project and wondered if anyone has a budget spreadsheet template they'd be willing to share with me (remove figures if preferred)? Ideally I'm looking to track quotes, spend, materials, specialists, trades etc and also use it for the VAT side of things. I've found a few older posts on here asking the same but the people I reached out to haven't replied, probably because they're now finished and no longer use this forum! I've also looked online but everything is very US based so not ideal. Thanks so much!
  7. Hi all! I've just joined as we're about to start building our home on our small holding in Perthshire, Scotland. The footprint is 150 sq.m and overall floor area is 280 sq.m over one and 3/4 storey with detatched double garage. Construction will be timber frame, finish in wetdash render, stonework and some cladding with slate roof. Planning is now approved (although still waiting on that in writing from our incredibly slow planning dept) so starting to go out for quotes, organise structural engineer and building warrant. Looking forward to trawling through this site for advice and tips, and I'll apologise in advance for the number of questions I'll be asking ☺️
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  8. Hi @Dave_madl Hope your build went well! I've just joined the forum as about to start a house build in Perthshire. Did you get any templates you could share with me? Trying to get organised before the madness begins...! Thanks so much, Katie
  9. @SallyL Hi Sally I've just joined this forum and wondered if you received any useful spreadhseet templates/work flows for your project that you'd be willing to share with me? I'm just at the start of our house build 😬🤯 so need to get organised! Many thanks, Katie
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