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  • About Me
    Just installed Ecodan ASHP but having problems with installer. Problem with installers not equipment!
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    East Midlands

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  1. If it is a problem with 3 way valve would not all the radiators heat up not just 4 or 5
  2. Just had my ASHP system power flushed. The radiators on the system were all new when ASHP was installed 2 years ago but most of the copper piping is about 20 years old being used for oil fired central heating Today (1 daY AFTER FLUSH)with heating turned off as it has been since about May) several radiators (4) are heating up to +- 30. Any ideas - installer at a loss Thanks Graham
  3. I am using weather compensation. Heating timing is set on the schedule timer. Which controls the temperature the wireless thermostat or the temperature on the scheduler?
  4. We live in a 1940s 3 bed farm cottage. My ASHP more than heats the house if we let it do so and as far as DHW is concerned it will produce water too hot to use without mixing cold with it
  5. Thanks! I had the feeling that it would not work but I think your science ha supported my gut feeling!
  6. Thanks for your replies. However I ommited to add that as the porch is not very used I was thinking of putting some cement block in there - Have space for about 20 or so do you think that they would absorb enough heat to have much effect? Graham
  7. I have a 1 metre square porch which gets up to about 80degrees in the sun. I am wondering if I can utilize that heat later in the day. If I use concrete blocks, or similar, to store the heat during the day would there be enough stored heat to transfer into the house to make a difference or would the heat in the blocks be absorbed by the colder evening temperature faster than the heat is transferred into the main house?. Is this a wild cheapskate idea! Any comments would be gladly received Graham
  8. Thank you all for your comments.. I /we have np idea what caused it and I am going to leave things as they are unless it happens again. Thaks
  9. We were away for 4 weeks and when we returned the DOMESTIC HOT WATER was the same greenish colour as water in radiators. After about 3 days the water cleared. Has anybody an idea how the DHW could be contaminated. The pressure in the system remained a little higher that 1. It is an unvented system
  10. Not sure of all the details but it appears that the systems pressure sends it down a larger feeder pipe that goes to a radiator and the returns via the the radiators other pipe so that the radiator is in effect pert of the DHW tank. Hope you can understand that. The end result is what ReedRichards suggested - they are coming to fit a non return valve which they say will solve the problem. The technician that fited the plumbing apparently has never come across the problem. All for now: Thanks for all the suggestions
  11. The installer BOSS is supposed to be coming bwas ill and now expected next Tuesday 8th. Will let you know wat happens
  12. Sorry for delay. I cannot get to most of the installation and what I can see is rather complicated that I don't think I can make head nor tail of it. I am expecting the installer to visit within the next 5 days as I have told them I will be making a complaint to MCS (and any other body that will listen!). Will post any answers that I get from installer
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