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At last we have take off



Well, it's really happening.

HID left work last Friday, spent the weekend fixing the horses fencing, but it didn't matter as he can now work on the build.


I've created a very detailed project plan for his for 3 days and intend to keep this going as he works much better this way.


This will approximate timings which will no doubt go out the window.

We did have an issue last week, he had dug a trench, we had torrential rain and one side fell in, some of our soil is very sandy so fine to build on, but need almost digging, inspecting and filling in one day.


He has today dug the main parts of the first trenches and BC are coming Thurs am to look with concrete coming Thur lunchtime and then BC coming back later to look at this as he's got a local inspection as one of the local mansions for a few hours.


Still lots to do for this, one end needs to be shuttered to allow for the underpinning, we need to fence the area for safely before someone (probably me) falls in.

We need to put level markers for the depth and check if any of the sides need supporting.


Luckily the weather is supposed to be good this week.


Not a very big update, but so excited to be doing something except pouring over reports and plans.








Edited by LSB

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