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No blog in a year and then two in one week !

Having finished and moved in, I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to my fellow forum members for their help and inspiration. Whilst the decision to follow a fabric first / passivhaus approach had been made before I discovered the forum, the information in the blogs and posts was a huge help. Some of the areas where the forum had a direct influence on my decisions included: 


Inspiration - Many of the blogs 

- Warranty 

- Finance

- ASHP coolant (CO2 or not) 

- Suppliers 

- Services

- Where to get good prices

- VAT refunds 

- CIL exemptions


and many other things as well. 


Finally, a special mention to that administrators for working on a voluntary basis to keep the forum going. 


Hopefully, when things get back to normal, I will have an opportunity to meet a few of you face to face and thank you in person.  


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