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Book...a few subheadings



As I might have mentioned, there's no real division of contents of the book, really a series of thoughts, comments, replies to earlier forum queries and questions as well as a few reviews of architects books of their own thinking and works. There are not that many that suggest design advice, just coffee table glories with big colour snaps. I taught (or assisted) students in design and interiors for 7 years and helped the thinking and detailing on the works at St Pancras International for 8 years, but that's another story.

The printed version of the book is over 200 pages but the e -book has been compressed to a bit less., but hey it's rather cheaper to produce! There are also a few reproductions of blogs, but not the ensuing conversations. Ha


Some chapterettes...


Fortune Favours the Prepared mind...always carry a notebook for inspirational jottings

A picture is worth a thousand words

A scrapbook or annotated portfolio of images...your likes and dislikes

Survey, analyse, propose...description of a logical approach to design decisions

Never judge a book

Thresholds and entrances

Kitchens and all that goes with them

Relationship of rooms...crudely put. An approach to layout making

Character and Value...fairly vital stuff

Gardens...Design and Relationship with House

Transparency...Bays and Oriels etc

Details and Joining...important...to preempt that 'How the hell do we get round that?' question. My St Pancras experience came into ts own there.

Windows (not the computer ones)

Transparency and Character...both again, but further thoughts

The National Garden Scheme...a useful means  of seeing how others done things...and the cakes are good and it is for charity

Extension as a pavilion

Cat skinning...nothing to do with a fish, but breaking down different ways to form houses. Clue,there are only really 5


Right, there's more but you get the drift I hope. There are not many books, guides, approaches like this...Some of this may have been nicked by now...oh well...good luck all


You can contact me (Jim) on lofthousestudio@hotmail.com      


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