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A Kingdom For My House!



A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse - Shakespeare’s Richard III, Act V, Scene IV


Hello, and thanks for stopping by.


Firstly, apologies for the title of this blog. 


I can’t really say that I’m a big fan of Shakespeare, but I was struggling to think of a title for the blog, and, like Shakespeare himself, I do like a play on words


By way of explanation, for those not from Scotland, the region of Fife (the location of our plot) is known as the Kingdom of Fife.  And we’re trying to build a house in Fife. So it kind of fitted. To be honest, I'm quite proud of it.


My wife rolls her eyes when I do things like that, but it keeps me amused and (mostly) out of trouble and I can now tell people that I quoted Shakespeare today.


Coincidentally, after looking into the meaning of the Richard III’s words, I think it is very apt in the context of our self-build experience to date. It is those experiences (past and present) that I plan on sharing.


I’m not one to overly expose myself online (stop snickering at the back) so won’t be going out of my way to give our personal details away, but I won’t be obviously obfuscating my identity either. So, the actors in my own play are me (full time IT Consultant, currently self-employed), my wife (full time carer for her mother), our daughter (now at Aberdeen University), and two cats. 


I’m not sharing our full names (I perhaps should have thought about that before choosing my username), but the cats are less concerned about identity theft – they are Ziggy and Fleur. I can share pictures of the cats on request, as is obligatory on the internet. Any requests for pictures for me shall be referred to a local shrink.


Anyway, I’d better get onto why this blog exists… our self-build.


I’ve already made a post to the Introduce Yourself forum, and that gives some background to how we got to where we are at today, so rather than repeat that here, here's a link:    


That should provide a good understanding of the past experiences I intend to share over the next days/weeks. And, once our build does finally start, I’ll continue to do so share our progress.


I’ll leave this first blog post there. On the next entry, I’ll share information about the plot, including a few pictures.

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Another one overcome by the exhuberance of his own verbosity. 


You'll fit in well here! :)


The older I get the more I realise how much I haven't done. Life's but a walking shadow and all that.

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