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About this blog

This is the story of our project to upgrade a 1950s 2 storey detached house in Leicestershire to an almost air tight, highly insulated 4 storey family home. And we do all the work ourselves....We have nearly finished it now, but i have decided to put the story up here as and when i get time. Maybe it will be helpful for people considering the same type of thing.


Entries in this blog

So how are we going to build this....

You think getting planning is the final hurdle, and then you start talking to building control, structural engineers and steel manufacturers! Thank goodness we didn't have to talk to builders as well, as we had made the bold decision to do it all ourselves. I am a plumber by trade with a weird niche sideline of repairing solar thermal systems so i have some site experience. Having worked on a lot of new build single plot sites and with a variety of builders, project managers and architects I ass

Kai casswell

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