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About this blog

This is a short blog about the thinking process, installation and results of a combined ASHP, MVHR, PV, EV charging and Water heating coil system being installed in a bungalow with good insulation and air tightness.


Be warned! The theory, installation and results assumed may not be right and I will only be sure when the job is completed.


Should you have any questions about this PM me and I will try to include an answer in the blog.


Good luck with your home



Entries in this blog

Understanding PV energy production variations

Energy production is as variable as the weather. 🙄 But how much does it change the results in a month or year?   Based on calculations using the PGIS data over 10 years I thought I would share the results.  In one calendar year the energy produced can vary from the average by +/- 5%.  In one calendar month the energy produced can vary quite widely!  From +24% to -28% from the average!     Here's my summarised results:                          
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