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About this blog

This is a short blog about the thinking process, installation and results of a combined ASHP, MVHR, PV, EV charging and Water heating coil system being installed in a bungalow with good insulation and air tightness.


Be warned! The theory, installation and results assumed may not be right and I will only be sure when the job is completed.


Should you have any questions about this PM me and I will try to include an answer in the blog.


Good luck with your home



Entries in this blog

PV EV charger control schematic

This is the latest system we have:       There are 4 CT relay clamps, 3 for the EV charging, (and one will be for battery charging), which are set at different PV output levels depending on the month of the year which decides what rate of PV needs to turn on the charging of the EV. This relates to a 3kW charger and the expected power requirement for the EV on a particular month and the expected production using the PGIS web site calculator.   The summer 3.6kW


Marvin in PV energy use

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