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About this blog

A collection of irreverent observations on the self building of what is planned to be a low energy, maybe even close to PassivHaus standard, new home in South East Cornwall.

The fabric of the house will start with an insulated slab, followed by ICF walls, a green roof and quite a large amount of West facing windows which are triple glazed (3G to use the appropriate TLA, - that'll be Two Letter Acronym ?


Entries in this blog

SWMBO returns!!

Apart from the “picture from the mound” timelapse blog entry, there’s not been much of an update since mid September 2022. So, get your preferred hot drink (maybe a SteamyTea), and settle back for the next instalment.   Where were we? SWMBO was still in recovery from her foot infection - you remember? The one that might have killed her? The second floor ICF had been installed, and the concrete poured. I’m still going to spare you any pictures of the foot, but here is a concrete pump tr
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