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Photo blog of a holiday hut build in Carbeth

Entries in this blog

Gravity water system

Two years on from starting the hut I'm fitting a gravity water system...I have a wash hand basin in the toilet and sink in kitchen both of which have taps. I connected the waste pipe ages ago which drains to the soak away but never go around to providing the taps with the one thing that kinda makes them useful! To be honest the hut isn't in any way uncomfortable to live in. We have a standpipe less than 30m away and just fill up 5l water bottles for drinking and washing. However, I've got s



Shed photo diary

Just in case anyone is interested in making their own shed, I thought I'd put the pics all in one place. I was given 34 sheets of 18mm OSB so it's super sturdy and otherwise I spent £500 on timber and another £100 for ironmongery and roof felt. And as ever my time was free...   Used mostly old 5" posts dug in and secured with postcrete. There were a few comments that these will rot over time but I'm hoping they will stay fairly dry as they are covered by the shed.



Getting there... updated

Had a few days off so doing the prep for the shed...managed a lick of paint in the loo too Doesn't look like much but tackled a jungle of bush with a friend's Lidl petrol strimmer Job done ?   Update   Tried the Glasgow Barras (flea market) for three items I wanted for the hut. An hour of raking through junk and found nothing other than a big teapot...but without its lid. Headed over to the west end dissatisfied but looking forward to a spicy curry from M



Lots more hut pictures

phone died but got an old one from a kitchen drawer so don't expect David Bailey standards. Any how here are some pics of how it looks at the moment. I've inserted another dozen or so in entry number one!  



One year and £9k later...

(I know, I know...the photos didn't paste in and I will have to do them one at a time...I'll get 'round to it I promise...managed the first dozen, more to come) Part One-Wind And Watertight For Under £6k I'm new to blogging and probably have nothing much in terms of knowledge to impart but some of you might be interested in building on a low budget so here goes. After many years on the waiting list we got offered a plot on the famous West Highland Way about 3 miles north of the startin



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