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Roof Modification


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A few general questions if I may. A bit of background:


We would like in the future to change the roof on our hip ended bungalow to gable ends. Storage one end and "function"the other as in a big TS etc. 


The house is in an AONB, Green Belt and an area of special scientific interest. Also the previous owner had the 50% extension ready.


Would like to go from red concrete tile to black slate look.


1) Does it now cost to just talk to the planning dept at the council? I've heard you need to make an appt / pay a few.


2) Presume this would need planning permission?


3) Building regs? Guessing we'd be made to upgrade the roof insulation etc. Saying this as if going to all this trouble it would make sense to look at the whole roof/dormers which is all very energy inefficient.


4) Would this be subject to any "ecological" surveys by anyone?


5) Would I be best employing an architect to draw up submittal plans? I could do the "concept" drawings myself I'm sure. Tbh I'm pretty sure I could do the detail drawing too.


Biggest concern is whether it would even be granted because of the previous 50% extension.


Any thoughts appreciated.




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Thanks for that. Sort of what I expected tba.


Does it help to "go in heavy" on the green side with any application i.e. PV, EWI, heat pumps etc. Even if you don't do it straight away? Thinking it might help if it went to appeal if the planners could be shown to be turning down this sort of thing.

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