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The tables below are from the BDA guide.

They give you the various co-ordinating dimensions that apply depending on how many mortar joints there are.


My question: does anything similar exist for imperial (lets say Victorian era) bricks? Or were they never standardised enough for these kinds of tables to apply?









18 hours ago, maxe307 said:

Yes you can get them in 228 x 68mm size from Ibstock 

TIS-A3a-BRICKWORK-DIMENSIONS-TABLES-228x68.pdf 767.11 kB · 3 downloads



I note that's assuming 10mm mortar joints.


I am never quite clear how the setting out worked, pre metric sizes. A 228mm brick is 9 inches, but 10mm is just under a half inch. So once you have a run of 9" bricks with 10mm joints you are going to get out of step with any kind of even imperial measurements.


So, is it the case they actually would have worked to ½ inch mortar joints?

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