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I've had this mentioned to us, but seen very little evidence of anyone actually doing it - just wondered if there's any recent info or experience among this group?


The main search hit result here only turns up a thread 8 years old... 


Posted (edited)

Not recently, no.


My one experience, with a commercially-available system (can't remember what it was called) was 24-25 years ago and only served to convince me what a good idea rainwater harvesting was!


The system (£1000 - £2000 from memory, excluding installation costs) consisted of a rainwater butt sunk in the back yard. Grey water ran to that 'sump', where it was kept from 'fermenting' by 'treatment' - a basket full of chlorine bleach blocks!! . If the contents of the sump did not get used ion 24hrs it got pumped out to the main drain. From this experience I took the view that grey water goes furry, and rainwater doesn't. Simplistic, I know...


Low-tech use, perhaps dilute, in garden watering, Grey OK. For storage, maybe not...


OTOH over-complicated rainwater harvesting systems can be a right pain!

Edited by Redbeard
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Rainwater from the roofs into a rain garden, then  into a holding pond, which we use to water our veg garden. 


Cost? 500 600 quid.


Commercial grey water recycling we thought financially unviable. Unless we needed to feel scorched by the heat of our own worthiness in the pub. Nice to have, but we decided to spend on the kitchen instead.

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