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Ecodan COP


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Does anyone know how the energy consumed and delivered are estimated by the FTC6 controller? Are they likely to be fairly accurate? According to my FTC6, I have consistently been getting a COP of over 6, which seems a bit optimistic. Even last week with the outside temperature going down to -6 at night and usually zero during the day, the COP only went down to 5.7. There is no separate metering for the heat pump so the figures must be estimates. Does anyone know how accurate they are likely to be?

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2 hours ago, Gus2 said:

Does anyone know how accurate they are likely to be?

Think you may have answered that question yourself?


Sounds like sh!te in sh!te out. Without a real flow meter, real energy consumption meter, flow and return temps, all captured at the same time, it's all make believe.

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Probably. Just wondered if there were any engneers out there who might have an idea how these estimates are arrived at, or had the means to monitor real COP. Also curious as to what figures anyone else with an Ecodan gets.

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