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Please excuse the noob question! Concreting and wall building is the next skill to learn in our house build process…


I have half a bag of this (see attached image - paver for referenceIMG_9442.thumb.jpeg.8dea706ee74f09364e09f028c67b499e.jpeg) left over from a house build. I am needing to build a small retaining wall to bring up ground levels by a small amount and wanted to know whether the bag of what is in the picture is of ‘mixed aggregate’? And therefore suitable for mixing with cement to create my wall footing. 
I will need a depth of 300mm, width 450mm length 6m. 

If it is suitable, then I shall use it but assume it won’t be enough for the above trench so will need to order some more. I think a 6:1 ratio is standard practice for this of aggregate to c20 cement?


Thanks so much for your help!


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