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Wayleave Agreement - moving a guy-wire

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Came here to ask the experts and other about their experiences with wayleaves and ill situated guy-wires.
My husband and I are the registered proprietors of our house in the Southern Lake District (just outside national park boundaries), purchased just over a year ago.  We believe that a guy-line supporting an electricity pole that is situated in the garden of our property and the electrical equipment belongs to Electricity North West (ENW).
Previous owners of the property have signed a Wayleave Agreement with ENW and have received a nominal rent for the siting of the guy-line on the property during their ownership.  However our understanding is that Wayleave Agreements do not bind successors in title, we have not signed any such agreement ourselves, and the Registered Title to the property does not disclose the existence of any permanent rights, e.g. granted via deed, to locate the guy-line on our property.
We intend to redevelop our garden and we do not wish to sign a new Wayleave Agreement with ENW.  Instead, we want the guy-line is removed from our property and re-sited to an alternative location.  We believe that a suitable location exists in close proximity to our property, as there exists a piece of public land (likely owned by the Parish Council or Local Council) on which telecoms and other equipment is already sited within 2-3 metres of the existing guy-line grounding point.  
Given the availability of seemingly suitable public land for this purpose, we do not believe it would be possible for ENW to argue that locating the guy-line on our property is necessary and that we must agree to it being located on our property.  
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