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Patio - dug out, but still on soft soil - thoughts?

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Hey all - I've started my new project this weekend, which is going to be essentially a 30sq meter patio. One key thing, while not a driveway I do want to be able to bring a car or motorbike onto this.


I've dug out enough for a good solid 150mm (lower in places cos I'm no digger operator!) Type 1 MOT subbase and I'm still at what I would basically consider top soil. More worryingly, in places I'm still pulling out literal rubbish - bricks, broken glass etc so it's almost definitely been "made up" at some point.


In other projects I've been in a position that I can go down to the sand layer, but the sand is much lower here. I think it's another 300mm down, at least - possibly further towards the back.

Basically - what to do? I'm happy to dig it out - that bit is easy (ish), but I'm already looking at 9 ton of Type 1 which isn't gonna be a laugh. Will a geo-textile and 150mm of Type 1 be good enough do you think?

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The membranes are magic at distributing the weight but you'd deffo want to be lower than aby soil it will just liquefy. You can use a good thickness of 6f2 to make up the levels it will cover more m2 to the tonne than type 1

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25 minutes ago, Oz07 said:

The membranes are magic at distributing the weight but you'd deffo want to be lower than aby soil it will just liquefy. You can use a good thickness of 6f2 to make up the levels it will cover more m2 to the tonne than type 1

Thanks for the response, I think between your and some others advice I've accepted my fate if I want it done properly! The 6F2 is a great lead - that was really my biggest concern, and it seems that stuff is fairly priced.


Can I still make this kind of level up with a wacker plate, if I do it in small layers, or am I at a point where I need something more serious?

Edited by vdubdan
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