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New permitted development- can I change the use of our agricultural unit?


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Hi everyone!


I would appreciate any advice. I have no clue around planning etc just been reading online and getting myself confused!


We have a 60x40m agricultural shed/barn on land we own which is about 13 acres. The shed was put up in early 2021.We are not farmers but my partner is a merchant for farm produce. Firstly do you have to be a farmer under the new permitted development rights? 

The shed has access to public highway, its structurally sound. It’s not in the green belt but it’s not on any of the restricted areas either.


we would love to convert this to a single dwelling for us to live is. Do you think we can go ahead with pre planning advice? Also the max size is 150sqm which is much smaller than the shed, does that mean you have to partially demolish some it? 


Can you convert sheds to two storey? It’s likely high enough. Does  the square footage dictate the floor space in total or just the first floor space? 

thanks for any advice at all! 

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Hi Lottie, and welcome.


2 hours ago, Lottie20 said:

The shed was put up in early 2021.We are not farmers but my partner is a merchant for farm produce. Firstly do you have to be a farmer under the new permitted development rights? 

You've mentioned "Agricultural", so assume you are referring to the Class Q PD rights that have been in place since 2015, but were recently amended. If so, then yes, Class Q requires the building in question to have had an Agricultural Use within an established Agricultural Unit (commercial farm business). It must also have been in Agricultural Use on or before a date in 2014, and if it came in Use after that date then there is a 10 year wait before Class Q rights could be used.


From what you have outlined, your building does not fit within the Class Q rules. ie. it's not been in Agricultural Use, at no point has its use been within an established agricultural unit.

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Hi Ian! 

thanks so much for your reply!


the land has been rented out for farming for over 20 years but yes the shed was only erected in 2021. I believe the shed is used to store potato bags and forklifts etc but not sure for the rest.


Thanks so much for your response! 

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