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Acoustic Barriers for noise

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We've recently moved house and didn't realise how noisy the road was going to be at night.

Its ok when the windows are closed but as were getting to the warmer weather the windows are open through the night.

We currently have a fence covering the front of the house.

I've spoken to a few people about this and they advised about changing the fencing to Acoustic fencing.

Has anyone had anything like this at there home. 

I've had a look around and found Mute Acoustic Barriers. They look ok and eco friendly.👍


Has anybody get any advise or used them? 


Thanks in advance 🙂


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Are you concerned about noise impacts on bedrooms at first floor or ground? If first floor a fence may not be high enough to break the line of sight to the road.


How far away is the road?


In relation to a noise barrier you mainly need a structure which will stop enough noise going through it, so only the noise going over the top is the dominant noise. This can usually be achieved with a barrier with a surface mass of about 12 kg/m2.


Have a look at a product like this




In effect its 20mm thick timber which interlocks



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