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Re service cold main from stoptap in pavement to house


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I might have to have a new mains supply from stop tap in pavement. I have an attached garage and if allowed would  like supply  to come through garage floor then into the house. I realise I might need to insulate the pipe work if allowed.Hope this makes sense as I am over 80yrs old and find this a bit confusing.

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our water bill nearly doubled this year and I am concerned there is a leak, the water board are checking for leaks next week . We feel if there is a leak and is repaired another could appear at a future date. It is the black polythene pipe. 

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I had a similar problem a few years ago, water board came out (Bristol water) used a listening rod and found a leak right in the middle of my lawn, repaired it FOC and even estimated the water loss because of the leak and back payed me fir the lost water. I was amazed as I understood it was my pipe on my land and I was responsible, they did say however that if it happened again they would not do it a second time. So see what they say then come back to us. It depends on length of pipe work and whether lawn or concrete/tarmac as to severity of the job.

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