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SPC versus LVT

Custom crafter

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I’m just beginning to research flooring options. We will have UFH and would like the finished floor something to be kinder under foot than porcelain tiles.  I understand that SPC is more tolerant of higher temperatures so I’m assuming, maybe incorrectly, that this would also include the product that fixes it to the underlying material. Can anyone advise?

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LVT over SPC everytime.


LVT is permanently bonded and has a very small failure rate, SPC is a floating floor and is much more prone to failure, broken joints, over expansion etc.


LVT is fine with UFH, all the glues are rated to a slab temp of 35C, which is very unlikely to be exceeded, unless you have a very thin gypsum screed and a very high flow temp on the UFH.


Its all the same underfoot as porcelain, if you want something "softer", look at engineered wood.

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