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Side elevation bedroom window to bungalow front bedroom window distancing advice


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 I have been liaising with the planning case worker regarding the possible development of bungalows on a plot adjacent to our property.

 Our property stands in a unique position and has no real neighbours at present which is why our side elevation windows were permitted when we extended several years ago.
 The case worker has now mentioned that the usual 21m separation distance for privacy may not apply to our side elevation bedroom window as it is not on the front or rear elevation. 
 Surely, the elevation is irrelevant? Privacy will still be violated if the 21m distance is not adhered to regardless of elevation?

 How can this be acceptable? 
 Can anyone help me find any additional guidance or regulations to refer to? 
 Thank you so much for your time 

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It is not and should not down as to which elevation a window is located. It would be more down to if the side window is also a primary window as there are many dual aspect rooms, which have windows to the front/rear and side. But it sounds like you’re referring to a primary side elevation window, which serves a Bedroom.


Is your house also a bungalow or two storey?

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Just check if the planning authority has any "Supplementary Planning Guidance" regarding design of development/extensions etc. These often give quite specific guidance on privacy distances and how they differ for different arrangements of windows etc. I would expect the LPA to at least stick to it's own guidance but then it may not help you of course if it allows shorter distances. 


I get the feeling that planners only view bungalows as having a relationship to the boundary at ground level and tend to overlook (no pun intended!) the impact from adjacent first floors.

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