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Ventilation - Renovation / Extension


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Hi All!


So I needed some guidance on renovating and extending my mum's 3 Bed house and wanted some advice on a few things:


All windows and doors are Internorm HF410 with no trickle vents so we need to provide appropriate 'background ventilation' so I've done some research and found a couple of ways this can be done. I wanted your views on which is most cost effective based on the plan I've attached and also any other suggestions.


  • For the first floor (3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 Ensuite), I was thinking of a PIV ducted from the ceiling into the hallway. Do I need to route this into each bedroom or will one duct suffice? Total floor space is ~45SQM of which ~29SQM is bedroom floor space.
  • For the ground floor, there will be an open plan living space measuring circa 39SQM with total space at ~52SQM. As above, none of the windows or doors have trickle vents, so do I need another PIV on the ground floor (to ventilate the open plan space and utility room?), or will one unit be ok to provide ventilation throughout?


In terms of PIV, I was thinking of Vent AXIA Pure Air, or should I go down the route of MHVR, something like the Recuperator PRANA 160 ERP PRO.


Thank you!

Floor Plan_2.png

elevation profiles.png

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When i did my daughters, i replaced old windows with new, but didn't fit any trickle vent. It's about 5 years ago, and the rules at the time were that the replacements had to make the situation no worse than it was before. I bloody hate trickle vents. Leaky pieces of crap.

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Hey Jimbo - unfortunately, due to the new regs (Summer of 2022), you need to have additional ventilation if the existing flow from the trickle vents are removed (it needs to provide the same amount of ventilation as what exists at the moment). 


The main question I have here is do I need to have individual room vents for the bedrooms, or will one PIV suffice (having looked at the airflow requirements, this seems above the requirement for Part F).


For the ground floor, same query above which is do I need a compact ventilation unit in the lounge / kitchen and utility room?



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