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Is underpinning allowed under Class Q?


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25 minutes ago, kandgmitchell said:

Well George, got this one through as a Part Q. Remember, works inside a building are not development for the purposes of the Town and Country Planning Act.......


how many square meters, looks huge compared to ours


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It was used as a building for rearing rabbits for meat and so was agricultural. The original owner built it (and used it) as a route to get initially a caravan on the site and then replaced it with a house. The rabbit trade then surprisingly ceased and the building stood unused now tucked away behind a hedge. Luckily it had never been put to any other use so was still technically agricultural.  It only had an earth floor and to be honest was very poorly built. However, it is an example of what can get through as a Part Q conversion - in this case as two dwellings.


Eventually used this as a "fall back" position so as to gain full planning approval for a pair of replacement semi-detached single storey barn lookalikes. Would not have wanted to have been forced to convert it!

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  • 9 months later...

Was it straightforward to get full planning? I have something similar, Class Q permission already granted a year ago. But reality is that most of it would be new if converted. Not sure what to do next. Is it just that the planners are happy with the profile of the building and barn aesthetic?

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On 21/04/2023 at 14:20, kandgmitchell said:

Well George, got this one through as a Part Q. Remember, works inside a building are not development for the purposes of the Town and Country Planning Act.......


That's not the same building?


i can't remember why I formed that opinion but I think it was on the strict interpretation. And something without foundations and a naff roof is not convertible without substantial works.


That is not to say that after an initial visit, some unsolicited hints from the SE and some DIY 'repairs'... so when they come to do the actual visit the SE can say yes, this is convertible. 

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