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5 levels of garden

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You mean it’s sloped so it’s been terraced? Is it sloping up or down from the house?

Sloping sites are going to be dearer because you need to manage the gradient.  There are several ways to do it but it’s hard to comment without seeing it. Even then you’d need a survey done to understand what the ground is like etc Post a link to it. 

My site is on a slope. We’ve had to do some ‘minor’ cutting and filling to level the site where the house is. This has created a bank behind the house where we cut which we’ve had to retain with a wall and a bank in front of the house where we’ve filled. Consequently there was about a week’s worth of excavation work just  to get it level. Then a lot more concrete needed at the filled side as you need to dig back down through the fill to firm ground to dig the trench and then fill it back up with concrete. We’ll also have the expense of extra landscaping to deal with all of this that you wouldn’t have on a flat site.

So yes sloped sites will be dearer how much dearer depends on quite a few factors. However, they can offer a more characterful look if you can swallow the cost and the effort needed. 

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