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Quotes for ASHP install. BUS ?

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Has anyone been surprised or caught out by this?

If you have been in the position of getting quotes for an ASHP install by professionals do/did you expect the figures were inclusive or exclusive of the £5k grant.

The reason being, i was talking to the .gov.uk helpline this morning and this was pointed out to me. That the grant goes to the installer

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https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2022-11/FINAL Installer guidance V2_0.pdf 5.20 tells us that quotes should be for:


> the total quote amount, including any VAT, before the grant is deducted


The installers I talked to all did that, and also used the before-grant amount throughout the sales process. Didn't have any try to pull a fast one.

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