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Land Classification

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Hi , we gained planning permission for a very small dwelling on a B2 industrial site late last year and have just dug the footings , unfortuantly its very poor ground conditions and is going to need a raft foundation or piling.  with the size of the site and escalating costs, its debatible if we want to go ahead or retain the B2 industrial site classifaction.


the simple legal question (hopefully) i need answering is when does the change of land classification to residential occcur ? after notifying council you have begun work, after  1st inspection , house completion  or other.



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At the point of PP being granted it changes usage class 


It does though give you the chance to go for an insulated raft which may not cost as much as you think and has numerous benefits for insulation purposes. Kore is one brand, there are others but a lot can be installed on poor ground using a compacted sub base very successfully. 

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