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Adding garage under PD

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So I’m in the planning stages of a couple of extensions to my property,first of which is adding a garage onto the side of the house (currently have a detached single garage in back garden which I will

be demolishing) 


As title I’m looking to do this under permitted development which I’m assured is doable by a local plans guy


I’m hoping to tackle a lot of the work myself,subbing out the blockwork 


I’d just like some input on the simplest/basic way to carry out a garage build,It will be a lean to in effect so I’m thinking/hoping:


450mm footings if I can get away with them

Single 6” solid block construction 

Pitched roof using wallplate/rafter construction with 4x2 timber 


Does this sound feasible? I don’t need anything fancy ie habitable so no insulation and there won’t be an intergral door into house just a front 2.2/2.4 garage door and a rear upvc door to garden 


If anyone has done similar and can give me a rough idea of project costs too that would be great! 



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Welcome to the forum.


What span will the rafters be? I don't have my span tables with me as on holiday 🙂 but someone can check if 2x4 is enough.


Will it be within 2m of your boundary? If so, to come under permitted development there is a max eaves height of 3m.


All should be straightforward. Remember to plan rainwater disposal. In many areas you can't put it into the sewer so need soakaway. These have to be 5m from the house I think. Also worth thinking about where rain falling on surrounding land will go. Eg dont want it running down driveway and under the front door of the garage. If that's an issue linear drains can help.

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Thanks for the reply,and the welcome! 

I’ve had a bit of a look about in terms of rafter spans and looks like I will likely require 5x2 going off the span chart I came across,this isn’t something I know about just going off a span chart I saw online

The proposed garage goes over the drainage run and is located close to manhole also,It’s a combined rainwater/sewer system so I will be addressing the underground pipe anyway so will just be adding an additional gulley for downpipe 




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