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Garden Building Query


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I'm new to this forum, I'm an architect but have a curious query. I'm about to extend my garden studio which due to its size (internal floor area of 11 sqm) didn't have to comply with building regs.
I'm planning to extend and it will be 21sqm internally, it is timber framed and clad in timber and is within 1m on both boundaries either side. I understand that if I was building all of this from scratch that I would have to comply with building regs.
However, do I need to comply with building regs for the extension to the garden building? The whole studio? or not at all?
If I do extend and it is required to comply with building regs then the walls in close proximity to a the boundary are going to be an issue. Particularly as this is a timber frame building. One wall of the existing building is within 300mm of the fence. Would providing 1hour integrity to these walls be sufficient to comply? I can upgrade the existing wall buy removing the cladding, adding a layer of fire protection board such as supalux and replacing the cladding with a non combustible type.
I wondered if anyone had any thoughts on this, my suspicion is that the building will need to be treated as a whole new building with this addition.
Thanks for any help and advice.
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