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Following lots of reading on this and other forums I have decided on the following construction for my floors and walls.


Floor construction

150mm type 1

50mm sand blinding

1200g DPM

100mm Concrete (not sure whether to add A142 rebar)

150mm Celetox or similar

65mm screed (UFH embedded)



Wall construction (inside to out)

12mm plaster board

Airtight membrane (not decide which yet)

30mm battens (to take plasterboard)

30mm celotex between battens

9 inch solid wall  (existing)

100mm XPS external wall insulation  (to extend down to foundations and meet roof insulation)

EWI to be clad with brick slips or silicone render (Cost will be determining factor, I could do the slips myself but not the render)


I intend to tank the walls upto the first meter as I am lost as to how I can fold the DPM from the floor into existing walls.  The floors are replacing suspended timber floors and will be a little higher than the original.  I will install a new damp course in the walls and intend using dryrod which I saw on skill builder.




I look forward to you comment/feedback.






Hi Peter


Now that the suspended floor has been lifted in one room we are walking on sand.  It will be a while before we're ready to install the UFH and once the concrete is down I can get on with the rest of the house.  There is an extension to build which will also have UFH.


The added complication that we have is that we are living in a caravan on the plot and all our worldy goods are stored in the house.  I have to keep moving stuff around in order to work on the next room/phase.  Once I've got a concrete floor in one room I can use this as storage and move stuff out of the next room which currently has a suspended floor in order to replace that with concrete.


I'm trying to work towards getting a dry shell with all concrete floors in place in the original part of the house.  This will allow us to move into this and get rid of the caravan whilst the extension is built.



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