I have a long winding 45m access path, including a zigzag that would be the envy of any Tour de France cyclist, to achieve height gain between trees and not to disturb their valued roots.
I would like to have lighting on the path, and have identified some post lights that might fit the bill, both separate lights and plug and play 'kit systems'.
I would prefer to use LED lights.
I would like them to have PIR detectors that would switch them on at either end - but that may not be feasible.
I would prefer to use low voltage SELV, and to power the transformer within the house, but I am not clear what cable might be required for this - the consensus on the thread 24V DC or 110V AC or 240V AC in the garden? seems to favour 240v since this curtails the size of cable. I have put in ducting, in which I oculd run pond cable as suggested by JSH in another thread here:
OTOH 240v seems to present more complex installation issues, which I would be most happy to avoid.
I look forward to reading your learned opinions.